Dr. Maureen Flint

Assistant Professor, Qualitative Research – University of Georgia

Woman smiling with long blonde hair and glasses

Dr. Flint serves as the SUGRS planning representative for the University of Georgia, as well as being a former conference participant.

Maureen Flint, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in Qualitative Research at the University of Georgia where she teaches courses on qualitative research design and theory. She holds holds a BFA in fashion design from Pratt Institute and a MA in higher education administration, along with a PhD in educational research from the University of Alabama. Her scholarship explores the theory, practice, and pedagogy of qualitative methodologies, artful inquiries, and questions of social (in)justice, ethics, and equity in higher education. Representations of her artful inquiries can be found on her website at linked below.

Maureen’s role with SUGRS includes serving as the conference planning representative for the University of Georgia. In addition, she participates each year in the CV virtual round table, giving feedback on job materials to graduate students. She also presented posters and papers at SUGRS (when it was the ESPRMC symposium) as a graduate student when she was working on her PhD at the University of Alabama!

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